Thursday, September 27, 2007

What's with all the change, Mom?

I signed Gabriella up for a Mommy and Me "preschool" playgroup for 1-2 year olds. Today was our first class. They have amazing toys, story and songtime, and circle time. Gabriella wasn't thrilled with it. She looked around at all of the toddlers running around and gave me a look that said, "this isn't another birthday party is it?" She played shy the entire class. I'm hoping it will grow on her. Once a week for an hour, and I stay there. She should be able to handle that right?

On another note of disaster, today was the first time I left her with someone other than my neighbor, her Daddy, or my Mom. Let's just say she was mad..... my poor friend. I feel bad. Her poor daughter was trying to nap too!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

It's getting hot in here

Isn't summer supposed to be over? It's the last week of September afterall. It's 90 degrees today. Ella is sweating and I'm feeling cranky, I'm on the way to my 6 hour night class. I sure hope fall is going to start tomorrow.....

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Visit with Uncle Paul.

My brother Paul came for a very short visit from Ohio this week. Gabriella loves her Uncle and has decided to bawl her eyes out when he leaves the room. She is not going to be happy when she wakes up from her afternoon nap and discovers he has gone back home.....

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Talking, talking, talking

Gabriella said her own name today. Just one time, "Gabriella"! I would've thought she would say "Ella" or "Ellie" first. I guess she has an opinion on her name too!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

SHHHHHHHH don't make a sound!

It's currently fifteen minutes to 8 am and Ella is still sleeping. YAY, I've been trying not to make a sound. Yesterday was a long day, she got her 8th tooth. She wasn't a happy camper! Hopefully she will wake up happy after all that sleep.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Most days, my early morning wake-up between 6:30 and 7 am is my favorite time of day. I go into Ella's room and am greeted with the world's biggest smile and, "HI!". She is always surprised and happy to see me. It's the same every morning. It's pretty easy to make her happy! She then is ready for the day and she will tell me what she wants. First it's " da bath!" then it's "da brush" (comb her hair and put on clothes) then its "da bow" (very important--- hairbow). It's amazing how quickly babies (I guess she is a toddler : ( catch on to schedules and routines.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Good things come in small packages....

Gabriella has decided two is better than one. The terrible two's have begun! (just a few days after her first birthday : ) Currently, the whining getting louder and louder..... She has also found out the fun in kicking her feets while throwing her head back and yelping. The teenage years should be fun! Oh boy.