Monday, December 10, 2007

Family updates...

Ella has grown very tall. She is almost as tall as most 2 year olds. She's running everywhere. Her favorite game is peek a boo, which she would play with me all day if I could stand it. She would also watch Teletubbies all day if I would let her. I've seen the animal episode 1057 times. UGH.
I've started tutoring two afternoons a week. It's nice to use my teaching skills again. Ella spends Monday late afternoons while I tutor with Daddy and Thursday she spends with the neighborhood babysitter Sami. Thank goodness I finally I have a break from grad school for the next month. I feel like I'm running all day and too busy. Ella and the housework are a full time job. You throw in full time grad school and tutoring in there and its becomes over-time.

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