Friday, December 7, 2007

She did WHAT?

Ellie had her 15 month appointment at the doctors this morning. The doctor said she "LOST weight!!!!!?!" What? She has never lost weight! She was always weighing in the 90% percentile. She actually lost .5 lbs since her 12 month appointment. I'm not worried. My child will eat anything under the sun. Yesterday she ate 15 (yes 15) chicken steamed potstickers for dinner. Then she had a banana before bed. A whole one. Her favorite word is bapple (apple!) and she can constantly be seen eating one, peel and all. notice the picture below. (you can see it in her mouth, eww.) She is still in the 90% percentile for height, she's headed towards giantdom like her uncles.

1 comment:

Mary Ellen said...

That makes total sense though. Think of how much more mobile she is now than she was 3 months ago. I'm sure she is burning a super amount of calories each day... if only I could do the same! :) Guess your scale is slightly off after weighing her in at 27lbs! She's happy and healthy, and that's all that matters!