Monday, January 7, 2008

Chasing shadows...

Gabriella loves to take walks at night. We're feeling the January blues of being cooped up inside for far too long. So last night it was unseasonably warm at 40 degrees so we decided to take a walk down the block at 4 pm. Gabriella really does a good job walking by herself. She knows to stop at the street and let me carry her across and which way Ceal's house is. On the way back around 5:30 it was very dark and the street lights were on. Gabriella noticed her and her tubbies shadow. She chased it all the way home. I was laughing and laughing at her chasing. She was laughing and laughing because I was laughing. The neighbors think we are nuts. Oh well we are having fun. (and acutally stopping traffic, people were stopping to watch her chase the shadows.)LOL.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is a great kid with a very special mind you can tell she is always thinking trying to figure things out. This will be a great memory to keep. Try to take a night walk once a week