Tuesday, January 29, 2008

She is learning.....

Gabriella has found it rather funny to throw her food on the floor while eating. Then she screams "mess" and wants me to clean it up. So I decided since she was old enough to do it on purpose she was old enough to clean it up. She wasn't thrilled with the new plan. She had chicken noodle soup for lunch and as usual throw her noodles on the floor. Surprise, surprise. However, today I made her pick them up. Of course at first she had a tantrum. So behind the gate she went. I let her out to pick it up. Of course she wasn't having that so she tried to run away. Behind the gate she went. I let her out again after 30 seconds and told her to pick up the mess or she would be going behind the gate. This time she pick up one tiny noodle at a time and threw it in the trash. The whole time she was saying yay and clapping for herself. The process took a good 20 minutes but hopefully she will learn to pick it up or stop throwing it. I can't believe she is only 16 months, this is 2 year old behavior!