Wednesday, January 2, 2008

It's a New Year, Another Tubby Year

William ordered Gabriella these bathtime Teletubby playset. It came with all four "tubbies" and a plastic play area. Gabriella was obsessed from the moment she saw it. The trouble is she can no longer play in the bath because she refuses to let go of any one of the Tubbies. Her chubby little hands struggle to hold all four. Then a total meltdown when she left the tub, she didn't understand why the Tubbies couldn't come with her. The thing is she has a plastic medium one and a large yellow one downstairs. I don't want her trying to carry all six everywhere we go. I'm already chasing after the other 2. The ficasco lasted a full 15 minutes with her bawling and screaming for Tubby and trying to go back into the bathroom! Remind me not to get her anymore Tubbies.


Anonymous said...

Here is where you invent wonderful reasons as to why the tubbies need to stay in the tub and Ellie has to come out to play with her other toys. Tomorrow she can go back to tub tubbies. Next week it will be something else.

Mary Ellen said...

There are far worse things she could be obsessed with. Don't worry, when she is like 6 she'll want nothing but Bratz dolls. YUCK!!! :)